Hello, I’m Tess.

I’m here to show you how to find your sparkle, and live a life that makes you happy.

Welcome to my journey into joy.

My name’s Tess Milton, and I’m all about living life from a place of joy and creativity - whilst reminding myself to not take any of it too seriously.

Some days I nail this, and other days are a total face plant. But, that’s life, and tomorrow is always a new day.

Outside of being an optimist, I'm also an author and jewellery artist, with a rich 20-year journey through both these landscapes. This website is a place where I weave both these passions together. A place where I can share with you, the things that light me up, and which are intended to light you up too. My hope is that by letting you into my world of joy - the words I write and the art I make - that you will be inspired to slow down, and smile more, just like I now do.

How Did I Get Here?

But I didn’t always smile, and that’s a big part of my purpose today.

That purpose is very much focused on helping other women overcome feelings of inferiority, sadness, or isolation - to help them reclaim their smile and sparkle, because I know what it feels like to lose it.

My story is one of rediscovery and resilience.

As a child, I was the neighbourhood trailblazer, always forging new paths and rallying everyone to follow. I was confident and unbridled, but adulthood brought its challenges – worries about judgement, pressures to keep others happy, and a fear of straying from the expected path.

I lost sight of my sparkle, battling an eating disorder and falling into an emotionally abusive relationship. My world shrank as I tried to fit into moulds that weren't meant for me.

“We were all born knowing how to be happy, some of us just forgot along the way… well guess what? I am here to remind you. So buckle up babes, because you’re about to find happiness, YOUR way.”

— Tess Milton

Awakening and Growth.

The turning point came when I decided to grow my mind and rediscover my authentic self. I immersed myself in yoga, self-help literature, and began to take my creative pursuits more seriously. Slowly, I shed the cloak of people-pleasing, and inch by inch, I unveiled my true, unfiltered self.

It wasn't easy. Discomfort and pain fuelled my personal growth. It took someone abusing my kindness for me to learn to love myself first. But those rough patches made me resilient, bolder, braver, and better prepared to be the best version of myself.

Walking My Unique Path.

Today, I walk a unique path, unafraid to embrace my individuality. With the blessing of another baby boy in 2022, I'm forever grateful for the reminder to be the present mum I always wanted to be.

These days my husband and I parent our blended bunch of five boys in a way that works for us. We make decisions based on intuition, not fear.

This newfound freedom and choice, is made possible by an intention to slow down, and choose actions that are born from a place of calm, rather than chaos.

Embrace Your Strength.

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that there's no better time to choose you, than now. No one is coming to save you, and taking imperfect action always surpasses perfect procrastination. If you're ready to step into the person you dream of becoming, remember that this moment is yours for the taking.

I promise, you're much stronger than you realise.