
The ‘Find Myself Again’ Online Course

Only $1.15 a day for four week + this gives you lifetime access!

This course walks you through the actual step-by-step process that Tess took to rediscover who she was, work out what she actually wanted in life again, re-ignite a belief in herself that she could make her dreams happen, and then stick at it until she got there. Tess uses this template when coaching women 1-on-1, and has turned it into an accessible and affordable four week course that women can work through in their own time, for a fraction of the cost.

“I spent years feeling lost, not good enough, and like I was capable of more. In the end the answer was so simple, and it’s now my passion and my purpose to pass this knowledge on to other women like me. If the idea of stepping into your power terrifies you, then I promise you are on the right track.”

— Tess Milton

The ‘Find Myself Again’ course steps women through what’s missing, helps them unearth the answers already within, and then shows them how to move towards what matters.

If you are a woman who can relate to one or more of the following, then this course was intended for you:

  • You feel scared, alone or wounded.

  • You have lost confidence in yourself.

  • Unsure of how to deal with the future.

  • You’ve lost or forgotten who you are.

  • Feel broken down and unconfident.

  • Feel like you’re playing life small, and will one day have regrets.

  • Powerless, and in search of an anchor or a saviour.

  • You’re riddled with guilt and grief.

  • Have experienced a massive change of course in your life.

  • Doubt yourself, your decisions, and your ability to survive or thrive alone.

  • You are a newly single mum and are struggling with the change.

  • You have come out of an emotionally controlling or toxic relationship, and feel lost.